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What is the obligation to employ disabled people and ex-convicts in private sector workplaces?


What is the obligation of private sector workplaces with 50 or more employees to employ disabled and ex-convicts?

In private sector workplaces, employers are obliged to employ 3% disabled workers if they employ 50 or more workers. Private sector workplaces are not obliged to employ ex-convicts separately.

In public workplaces, they are obliged to employ 4% disabled and 2% ex-convict workers or those who fall within the scope of the Military Service Law No. 1111 dated 21/6/1927 or the Reserve Officers and Reserve Military Officers Law No. 1076 dated 16/6/1927 and who were injured in a way that would not be considered disabled as a result of the terrorist incidents listed in Article 21 of the Anti-Terror Law No. 3713 dated 12/4/1991 while performing their military service, in jobs suitable for their occupational, physical and mental conditions.

Source: LAbor Law NO 4857
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