workers – Muhasebe News Muhasebe News Mon, 08 Apr 2019 07:44:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can there be deductions from the worker’s wage for the losses? Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:26:34 +0000 SUBJECT

About cutting back on the worker’s wage due to loss.


There are construction contract works we do as a subcontractor.
We employ a lot of workers in sites.
There are a lot of entrances to and exits from the site.
There are workers we employ in these sites according to score method.
We make a lot of expenses when emloying these workers, such as medical examination, uniform etc.
These people don’t come to work 1-2 days after the start date of employment.
The expenses we make for these people return to us as losses.
We want to cut back on that person’s wage for the expenses we make.
How should we proceed in order to not have any difficulties in terms of both the personnel and SSI (Social Security Institution)

(13.11.2018 15:19)

There can be deductions from the equipment, uniforms etc. that are given to the worker only for the losses.


Source: Ismmmo
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May tells the UK firms to train British workers Sun, 02 Dec 2018 08:00:27 +0000 Theresa May stated that British firms struggling to fill low-skilled jobs should be training British workers to plug the gaps rather than relying on immigration.

The chancellor, Philip Hammond, and the business secretary, Greg Clark, have both argued for looser restrictions on low-skilled foreign workers, with business complaining they cannot fill positions.

“What I hope to see and what I’m sure we will be seeing is opportunities for young people in the UK, opportunities for training and skilling young people in the UK”, May said.

The government is to relax its immigration rules to let more foreign doctors come to Britain to help tackle the NHS’s widespread shortages of medics.

Ministers have agreed to significantly expand the number of doctors allowed to come to work in Britain under the medical training initiative, from 1,500 a year to as many as 3,000.

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Amazon workers on strike! Tue, 27 Nov 2018 13:30:58 +0000 Another major event happened on Black Friday.

Amazon workers in Germany, Spain, Italy and the U.K went on strike.

According to Reuters, nearly 90% of the workers, approximately 1,600 employees, participated in the walkout at Spain’s largest Amazon warehouse in San Fernando de Henares near Madrid.

620 workers also walked out at German distribution cenrers in Bad Hersfeld and Rheinberg.

It was stated that Amazon workers receive lower wages than others in retail and mail-order jobs.

They have been pushing for years for higher pay.

But Amazon thinks otherwise. It claims the work sites are logistics centers and pay well for that sector, The Associated Press reported.

GMB General Secretary Tim Roache stated that the ‘conditions our members at Amazon are working under are frankly inhuman’ .

Amazon announced last month that it would raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour in the U.S but then eliminated several financial perks.

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EU tightens law on foreign temporary workers Thu, 31 May 2018 08:25:41 +0000

EU tightens law on foreign temporary workers

The EU has passed a law requiring firms to comply with local standards when they post workers temporarily to another EU country.

The revised rules adopted by the European Parliament mean posted workers will be entitled to the same level of pay as their local counterparts.

In France, the UK and Germany there have been complaints of unfair competition from cheaper eastern European labour, said to undercut locals.

It was an issue for the Brexit lobby.

Brexit campaigners argued that EU freedom of movement was undermining British workers in sectors such as construction and food processing, with some firms cutting costs by importing workers from the newer EU states, such as Poland and Romania.

Many firms, however, argue that they hire foreign workers for jobs that Britons cannot fill, for lack of the necessary skills.

Under the new rules, firms sending workers to another EU country will have to cover their travel, board and accommodation costs – not deduct those costs from the workers’ salaries.

The accommodation provided will have to meet local standards.

The duration of the posting has been set at a maximum of 12 months, with a possible extension of six months. Beyond that period, a worker who stays on will have to be governed by the host country’s labour rules.


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In Which Sectors Can You Work More with Shift Work Pattern? Sat, 09 Sep 2017 10:30:06 +0000 On 19 August 2017 The Official Gazette has published regulations about making Regulation Changes Related to Special Rules and Procedures.

1- The sentence below was added to the subparagraph (a) of the first paragraph in article 4 of 04.07.2004 dated and 25426 numbered regulation about making Regulation Changes Related to Special Rules and Procedures:

“Only in tourism, private security and health service professions and work places, for 24 hour jobs which are managed by sub-employer the arrangement can be done in two shifts. “

2- The 7th article of the same regulation has been modified as follows:

“Article 7 – In professions that are done by working in shifts, it is forbidden that the employers are being worked for more than 7,5 hours at night shifts save for the situations mentioned in articles 42 and 43 of 4857 numbered Law. Only in tourism, private security and health service professions the employee can work over 7,5 hours with the condition that they give their written consent to the employer. The application of this paragraph;
a) Tourism service professions; in accordance with the concerning legislation, in the establishments which were given a tourism operation license or a tourism investment license by The Ministry of Culture and Tourism enterprise certificate by the municipality to operate as a tourism establishment,
b) Private Security Professions; In the scope of 2004 dated and 5188 numbered law on Private Security Services, in Private Security Establishments which have been granted official authorisation by The Ministry of the Interior or as a private security officer in an establishment,
c) Health Service Professions; In establishments belonging to real persons or public or private enterprises and in their branch offices without legal personality, in social service organizations identified in the 05.1983 dated and 2828 numbered Social Services Law, where health service is provided/produced;

Applies to employees who are employed at these establishments and the employees who are employed by the sub-employers. If more than half of the work hours fall on night time the shift is deemed night work.”

3- The same 12th article of the same regulation has been modified as follows.
“Article 12 – In enterprises which operate with shift work, the employer or the representatives of the employer are obligated to have a list of the names and surnames of the employees who work in each shift, to present them to the Ministry when requested.”

***This regulation is made effective on the date of its publication.

***The provisions of this regulation are enforced by          The Minister of Labor and Social Security.

Source: Official Gazette

Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

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