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Is it required to pay Stamp Duty for the traffic insurances...

Is it required to pay Stamp Duty for the contracts of traffic and insurance that are taken by the public by means of a...

May tells the UK firms to train British workers

Theresa May stated that British firms struggling to fill low-skilled jobs should be training British workers to plug the gaps rather than relying on...

The Huge Marriott Hotel Strike Is Winding Down

The weekslong strike that hit Marriott hotels in seven cities is starting to wind down as 2,700 workers in Hawaii signed off on a...

ILO announced: The UK has the worst

According to the International Labour Organization, Britain ranked bottom of a group of nine wealthy nations for its pay performance since 2009. With a loss...

The cost of Brexit

The Brexit deal is expected to cost the UK economy as much as £100bn over the next decade compared with remaining in the EU. An...

Can I use the expressions of Financial Consultancy and Independent Audit...

SUBJECT About using the expression of independent audit in the title of the Inc. that the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Independent Auditor is going...

Is the profit from exchange difference due to advance payment of...

SUBJECT About recording the exchange difference of advance payment of import as income. QUESTION We made a payment in June to bring machine from abroad. Bill of entry...

Is there a tax exempt for the selling of shares of...

SUBJECT  About Incorporated Company transfer of Shares. QUESTION We have 10 companies in total that are tied to our incorporated company shareholdings. There haven’t been any certificates for...

Is it required to invoice the exhange difference? Is VAT applied?

SUBJECT About Application of VAT for exchange difference. QUESTION We take the commodity that are necessary for our company in raw materials and supplies from the first...

When made redundant without the notice period, is there any right...

According to the Labor Law, article number 25, if the dismissal is not based on the reasons in the part titled Rightful Termination, employee...