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Tag: rent

September 2024 Rent Increase Rate Announced in Türkiye

September 2024 rent increase rate 64.91 D-PPI (Domestic Producer Price Index) and CPI (Consumer Price Index) inflation rates are announced in the first week of...

If the father who owns the title deed is his daughter...

If the father who owns the title deed is his daughter who receives the rent in his daughter's bank account, can her daughter submit...

Persons, corporations and entities who rented property and rights in Türkiye...

IN CASE OF OCCURRING LOSS - RENTAL INCOME IN TÜRKİYE At the adding up income, losses arising from part of the sources of income (except...

Exception for Rental Income from a House in Türkiye

The amount of 9.500 TL for rental income from house for the year 2022 (the exception amount of 21.000 TL for the year 2023)...

Low or No Value for Rental Income in Türkiye

“The equivalent rental value” is taken as bases in case of low or no value for rental income. According to this basis, equivalent rental...

Rental Income in Türkiye

Incomes obtained from renting of the property and rights which are stated in the Income Tax Law No.193 is defined as “income from immovable...

Is It Compulsory To Pay Stamp Tax For Residence Rental Agreements?

Rental agreements prepared for the sublets as a residence are exempt from stamp tax if it is only signed by a lessor and a...

Am I Supposed to Pay the Rent via Bank?

1- Am I Supposed to Pay the Rent via Bank? 1.1- Office rent, no matter how much it costs, SHOULD BE PAID VIA BANK. 1.2- House rent, if...

Income from Capital Investment (Interest, Dividends, etc.) in Turkish Taxation System!

Income from capital investment means any income such as interest, dividend, rent and as such derived from capital in cash or capital in kind....