rate – Muhasebe News https://www.muhasebenews.com Muhasebe News Thu, 09 Apr 2020 11:30:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.3 Turkey has taken sweeping steps to cushion the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/turkey-has-taken-sweeping-steps-to-cushion-the-economic-fallout-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/turkey-has-taken-sweeping-steps-to-cushion-the-economic-fallout-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/#respond Thu, 09 Apr 2020 11:30:20 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=81965 Turkey has taken sweeping steps to cushion the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic to protect both employers and employees.

Any firm forced out of business due to a Force Majeure, such as the pandemic, can approach the government.

The government will pay 60% of the staff salaries for a period of three months.

With this short-term employment allowance, the government will make direct transfers — within the ranges of 1,752 Turkish liras ($260) to 4,381 liras ($650) — in the employees’ bank accounts directly.

The government will also pay for their health insurance during the period.

With these measures, the government hopes to cut back unemployment figures due to the pandemic, which has claimed over 74,800 lives globally and infected more than 1.35 million others.

In Turkey, the death toll stands at 649, with more than 30,200 cases confirmed.

Bünyamin Esen, a social security inspector, said that due to the short-term employment allowance, firms do not lose their staff for three months.

He added that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has the authority to extend the three-month period to six months. “If the risk of epidemic does not end as early as expected, the period of the allowance will be extended.”

Salaries are paid by the government on the fifth day of each month through the country’s postal service, PTT.

Employers will not have to pay the salaries, insurance premiums and income taxes of their staff during this period said Esen, who is also CEO of a consultancy firm, Uzman Global.

He said this allowance was valid since 2008, but it was stretched to incorporate the unprecedented situation rising from COVID-19, the official name of the virus.

Under the amendment, an employee who has worked for at least 60 days and has 450 days of premiums for the last three years qualifies for the allowance. In case an employee loses his job after the three-month period, the state will give them an unemployment allowance for up to seven months and up to 2,354 Turkish liras ($350).

Turkey has also approved tax discounts and delays for companies and citizens.

Especially tourism and aviation firms, which are affected mostly by the virus, are being protected by the government.

Banks have allowed clients to defer their installments for three months and are offering new low-interest-rate credit packages to firms.

The country backs employers with minimum wage and tax supports besides the short-term employment allowance.

Turkey increased the minimum pension to 1,500 Turkish ($223) after the start of the outbreak.

After first appearing in Wuhan, China, in December, the virus, has spread to at least 184 countries and regions, according to data compiled by U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University.


Source: Hürriyet Daily News/Link: https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkey-takes-sweeping-steps-to-cushion-coronavirus-fallout-153646
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Turkey recorded strong GDP growth of 6 percent in the final quarter of 2019 https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/turkey-recorded-strong-gdp-growth-of-6-percent-in-the-final-quarter-of-2019/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/turkey-recorded-strong-gdp-growth-of-6-percent-in-the-final-quarter-of-2019/#respond Mon, 30 Mar 2020 13:30:33 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=81010 Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) announced the quarterly Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth in Turkey for the October-December 2019 period. Thanks to a sharp recovery in private consumption and a rise in credit impulse, Turkey recorded a strong GDP growth of 6 percent in the final quarter of 2019, which brought the full year growth up to 0.9 percent.

Accordingly, Turkey’s GDP at current prices has more than tripled since 2002, reaching USD 754 billion in 2019. The Turkish economy grew by an average 5.3 percent annually during the 2003-2019 period.

The strong growth performance of Turkey in the final quarter of 2019 brought the full year growth into positive territory and this trend suggests a strong signal, implying that the Turkish economy is returning to its long-term potential growth track.

Turkey’s New Economy Program, announced last September, targets GDP growth rates of 5 percent in each of the following three years starting from 2020.​

Source: Republic of Turkey Investment Office / link: https://www.invest.gov.tr/en/news/news-from-turkey/pages/turkey-recorded-positive-growth-rate-2019.aspx
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https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/turkey-recorded-strong-gdp-growth-of-6-percent-in-the-final-quarter-of-2019/feed/ 0
What is the stamp tax rate in contracts? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-is-the-stamp-tax-rate-in-contracts/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-is-the-stamp-tax-rate-in-contracts/#respond Fri, 17 Jan 2020 09:00:19 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=75793 What is the stamp tax rate in contracts?

What is the stamp tax rate in food supply and service contracts?

The stamp tax rate in all contracts is 9.48 per thousand.

Source: İSMMMO
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https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-is-the-stamp-tax-rate-in-contracts/feed/ 0
The Rates of Real Profits Created by Means of Financial Investment, June 2019 https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-rates-of-real-profits-created-by-means-of-financial-investment-june-2019/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-rates-of-real-profits-created-by-means-of-financial-investment-june-2019/#respond Tue, 09 Jul 2019 13:49:00 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=63347 The Rates of Real Profits Created by Means of Financial Investment, June 2019

Source: TÜİK
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https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-rates-of-real-profits-created-by-means-of-financial-investment-june-2019/feed/ 0
Unemployment rate realized as 14.1% – March 2019 https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/unemployment-rate-realized-as-14-1-march-2019/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/unemployment-rate-realized-as-14-1-march-2019/#respond Mon, 17 Jun 2019 14:40:36 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=60968 Labour Force Statistics, March 2019


Source: TÜİK
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https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/unemployment-rate-realized-as-14-1-march-2019/feed/ 0
The Rates and Distribution of Insurance Premium in Turkey https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-rates-and-distribution-of-insurance-premium-in-turkey/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-rates-and-distribution-of-insurance-premium-in-turkey/#respond Fri, 26 Apr 2019 14:38:24 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=55984 The Rates and Distribution of Insurance Premium in Turkey

Employees and employers are required to pay insurance premium to Turkish Employment Agency for:

  1. Short term insurance branches
  2. Long term insurance branches
  3. Unemloyment insurance

Employees and employers are required to pay insurance premium to Social Security Institution for general health insurance.

Insurance branches and insurance premiums which the employees and employers are required to pay are as follows:


Insurance Branches

% Employee Share

% Employer Share

% Total

Short Term Insurance Branches

1 to 6,5

1 to 6,5

Long Term Insurance Branches




General Health Insurance




Unemployment Insurance






Source: YOİK
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https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-rates-and-distribution-of-insurance-premium-in-turkey/feed/ 0
Unemployment rate realized as 14.7% – March 2019 https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/unemployment-rate-realized-as-14-7-march-2019/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/unemployment-rate-realized-as-14-7-march-2019/#respond Mon, 15 Apr 2019 07:50:28 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=54592 Labour Force Statistics, January 2019

Source: TÜİK
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https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/unemployment-rate-realized-as-14-7-march-2019/feed/ 0
Which exchange rate is used when exchanging the transactions to Turkish lira? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/which-exchange-rate-is-used-when-exchanging-the-transactions-to-turkish-lira/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/which-exchange-rate-is-used-when-exchanging-the-transactions-to-turkish-lira/#respond Tue, 09 Apr 2019 14:22:33 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=54134 When registering the 102 USD checking account of the company, should I use the buying or selling exchange rate for the foreign currency transactions in the bank?

Buying exchange rate of the Central Bank of Turkey is used.





Source: İSMMMO
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https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/which-exchange-rate-is-used-when-exchanging-the-transactions-to-turkish-lira/feed/ 0
Maximum monthly real profit rate was realized in US Dollar – March 2019 https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/maximum-monthly-real-profit-rate-was-realized-in-us-dollar-march-2019/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/maximum-monthly-real-profit-rate-was-realized-in-us-dollar-march-2019/#respond Tue, 09 Apr 2019 08:20:00 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=54053
The Rates of Real Profits Created by Means of Financial Investment, March 2019




Source: TÜİK
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What is the VAT rate for properties that are company’s assets for less than 2 years? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-is-the-vat-rate-for-properties-that-are-companys-assets-for-less-than-2-years/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-is-the-vat-rate-for-properties-that-are-companys-assets-for-less-than-2-years/#respond Mon, 11 Mar 2019 14:36:41 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=50900 What is the VAT rate for the properties that are registered as a residence to the company’s assets?

The VAT rates for the selling of properties that are the company’s assets until 31.03.2019 are;

1% if the property is under 150 square meters,
8% if the property is over 150 square meters.





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