huawei – Muhasebe News Muhasebe News Tue, 12 Feb 2019 13:56:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 U.S warns Europe not to use Huawei Tue, 12 Feb 2019 13:56:45 +0000 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned European countries on Monday.

Pompeo said in Hungary that their relationship with European countries using Huawei’s tech equipment would be damaged.

US aims to improve co-operations with Hungary as well as other European countries, but those using Huawei’s tech equipment in their infrastructure face security risks, he added.

Chinese government criticized Pompeo on Tuesday, accusing the US government of ‘’sowing discord between China and other European countries.’’






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Security measures for Huawei to participate in German 5G network Wed, 06 Feb 2019 11:59:38 +0000 (Reuters) German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Huawei Technologies must guarantee not to share data with the Chinese government to be included in its 5G network.

During a conversation with students from Keio University on Tuesday, Merkel said that companies wishing to operate in Germany have to fulfill the security requirements.

She also stated that they have to make sure the Chinese government won’t have access to any data through China-based products.

Huawei has been dealing with security allegations due to its suspicious relationship with the Chinese government.

The tech giant is accused of sharing secret data with the Chinese government.

Huawei denies the allegations.






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US takes legal action against Huawei Tue, 29 Jan 2019 11:36:00 +0000 US Justice Department has filed two indictments against Chinese tech giant Huawei on Monday.

One of the prosecutions accuses Huawei of stealing trade information from T-Mobile, a mobile communications company, and promising bonus for its employees who provide confidential information.

The Department also filed an indictment on Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s CFO who got arrested in Canada in December.

Huawei made a statement on Tuesday, stating they are disappointed in the US for taking legal actions against the company.

Geng Shuang, a spokesperson from China’s Foreign Ministry, demanded the US to remove the bans it imposes on Chinese companies.





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Another strike to Huawei comes from Vodafone Sat, 26 Jan 2019 09:27:42 +0000 World’s second largest mobile operator Vodafone announced that it will stop the installation of Huawei equipment in its key networks throughout Europe.

Speculations in the political area about the Chinese telecommunications company have left many countries and companies in concern about Huawei.

Huawei, on the other hand, is still insistent on not having any ties with the Chinese government and posing any security risks.

CEO Nick Read said on Friday that Vodafone will stay in touch with governments, security agencies and Huawei itself while stopping the installation of Huawei’s products in its 5G network.

Vodafone stated that they are keeping the talks on a very ‘simple’ level with the world’s largest supplier in the telecommunications market, which also includes Nokia and Ericsson.

A spokesperson from Huawei thanked Vodafone for their support.

The USA, Australia and New Zeland have restricted the use of Huawei products in their 5G networks.

Germany and Canada are also working on similar measures.





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Huawei continues to strike amid speculations Fri, 25 Jan 2019 13:00:40 +0000 Recent speculations are not stopping Huawei from getting bigger and bigger.

A chief executive from China-based tech giant stated on Thursday that they are expecting to be the top smartphone seller by the end of 2020, taking the place of Samsung.

Huawei took the second place last year, beating Apple.

CEO Richard Yu stated that they landed 30% more sales in 2018 than the previous year, selling more than $200 million smartphones.

The company also sold tech equipment such as tablets and wearables worth more than $100 million.

Huawei’s revenue from customer business increased to $53 million, rising more than 40%.

Huawei faced several problems in the last months of 2018, from an arrested chief executive to warnings from intelligence agencies of different countries for the security of its wireless 5G devices.




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Huawei fires employee arrested for spying Mon, 14 Jan 2019 06:00:56 +0000 Sales executive of Huawei has been arrasted in Poland on charges of spying for China.

China’s embassy identifies the suspected citizen as Weijing Wang.

Huawei ise, şirketin adını kötülediği gerekçesiyle Wang’i kovdu.

Huawei stated that it fired Wang for bringing the company into disrepute.

Huawei is seen as a national security risk by the US officials.

Other companies like Australia and New Zealand decided to restrain the supply of Huawei’s 5G equipments.





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Huawei responds to cyber security claims Sun, 23 Dec 2018 08:30:55 +0000 Huawei’s CEO Ken Hu spoke at their new campus in Dongguan.

He responded to the cyber security claims and said “When it comes to security allegations, it’s best to let the facts speak for themselves. And the fact is: Huawei’s record on security is clean. We believe that cyber security is a global issue. It’s an industry wide issue and we need to address it together.”

The claims arise from the allegations that Huawei is used as a tool of the Chinese government.

In response to that, Hu stated the company ‘’has never taken any requests from any governments to damage the business or networks of our customers or other countries.’’




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Russia citicizes U.S about Huawei arrest Sat, 08 Dec 2018 09:30:23 +0000 Russia Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, answered the questions after the meeting of Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe, held in Milan, Italy.

He commented on the recent arrest of Huawei’s CFO Meng Vancou, after being accused of violating Trump’s sanctions on China.

He criticised the decision and said ‘’This is the arrogant policy of a super power, which no one understands.’’


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Crisis hits Huawei! Fri, 07 Dec 2018 12:30:57 +0000 Meng Wanzhou, the Chinese tech company’s chief financial officer, was detained in Vancouver on Saturday at the request of US authorities.

The US and Canadian governments haven’t specified what charges Meng faces, but her arrest follows reports this year that the US Justice Department was investigating whether Huawei violated American sanctions on Iran.

It has been a really tough year for the tech company.

“This type of action will affect the atmosphere around the negotiations — making them less likely to bring a sustainable settlement,” the Eurasia Group analysts said about the trade war between China and the U.S.A.

On Wednesday, UK telecoms group BT (BT) said it would not buy equipment from Huawei for the core of its next generation wireless network.

BT also said it would remove existing Huawei technology from the heart of its 4G network within two years.

Huawei’s ambitions of becoming a global leader in 5G technology took a major hit in August, when Australia blocked Huawei from providing 5G equipment for the country’s wireless networks.

The Australian government said that the involvement of telecom equipment suppliers “who are likely to be subject to extrajudicial directions from a foreign government that conflict with Australian law” could mean the country’s wireless carriers are unable “to adequately protect a 5G network from unauthorized access or interference.”


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