employer – Muhasebe News https://www.muhasebenews.com Muhasebe News Thu, 09 Apr 2020 11:30:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.3 Turkey has taken sweeping steps to cushion the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/turkey-has-taken-sweeping-steps-to-cushion-the-economic-fallout-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/turkey-has-taken-sweeping-steps-to-cushion-the-economic-fallout-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/#respond Thu, 09 Apr 2020 11:30:20 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=81965 Turkey has taken sweeping steps to cushion the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic to protect both employers and employees.

Any firm forced out of business due to a Force Majeure, such as the pandemic, can approach the government.

The government will pay 60% of the staff salaries for a period of three months.

With this short-term employment allowance, the government will make direct transfers — within the ranges of 1,752 Turkish liras ($260) to 4,381 liras ($650) — in the employees’ bank accounts directly.

The government will also pay for their health insurance during the period.

With these measures, the government hopes to cut back unemployment figures due to the pandemic, which has claimed over 74,800 lives globally and infected more than 1.35 million others.

In Turkey, the death toll stands at 649, with more than 30,200 cases confirmed.

Bünyamin Esen, a social security inspector, said that due to the short-term employment allowance, firms do not lose their staff for three months.

He added that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has the authority to extend the three-month period to six months. “If the risk of epidemic does not end as early as expected, the period of the allowance will be extended.”

Salaries are paid by the government on the fifth day of each month through the country’s postal service, PTT.

Employers will not have to pay the salaries, insurance premiums and income taxes of their staff during this period said Esen, who is also CEO of a consultancy firm, Uzman Global.

He said this allowance was valid since 2008, but it was stretched to incorporate the unprecedented situation rising from COVID-19, the official name of the virus.

Under the amendment, an employee who has worked for at least 60 days and has 450 days of premiums for the last three years qualifies for the allowance. In case an employee loses his job after the three-month period, the state will give them an unemployment allowance for up to seven months and up to 2,354 Turkish liras ($350).

Turkey has also approved tax discounts and delays for companies and citizens.

Especially tourism and aviation firms, which are affected mostly by the virus, are being protected by the government.

Banks have allowed clients to defer their installments for three months and are offering new low-interest-rate credit packages to firms.

The country backs employers with minimum wage and tax supports besides the short-term employment allowance.

Turkey increased the minimum pension to 1,500 Turkish ($223) after the start of the outbreak.

After first appearing in Wuhan, China, in December, the virus, has spread to at least 184 countries and regions, according to data compiled by U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University.


Source: Hürriyet Daily News/Link: https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turkey-takes-sweeping-steps-to-cushion-coronavirus-fallout-153646
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

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The birth rate of employer enterprises in Turkey for the year 2018 was 13.6% https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-birth-rate-of-employer-enterprises-in-turkey-for-the-year-2018-was-13-6/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-birth-rate-of-employer-enterprises-in-turkey-for-the-year-2018-was-13-6/#respond Thu, 05 Mar 2020 07:30:47 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=79043 Entrepreneurship, 2016-2018 in Turkey

Source: TurkStat
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/the-birth-rate-of-employer-enterprises-in-turkey-for-the-year-2018-was-13-6/feed/ 0
Is it possible for the employer to temporarily assign the worker to another employer? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/is-it-possible-for-the-employer-to-temporarily-assign-the-worker-to-another-employer/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/is-it-possible-for-the-employer-to-temporarily-assign-the-worker-to-another-employer/#respond Mon, 01 Jul 2019 13:05:26 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=62551 Is it possible for the employer to temporarily assign the worker to another employer?

A temporary employment relationship may be established when the employer transfers the employee, with his or her written consent at the time of transfer, to another establishment within the structure of the same holding company or the same group of companies.

In accordance with this Paragraph, the temporary employment relationship may be established for 6 months at most in written form and may be renewed maximum twice.

The employer who assigns their worker to another employer temporarily is still liable to pay wage.

The employer with whom a temporary employment relationship is established is responsible for the unpaid wages of the employee during his / her employment period, the social insurance premiums of the employee and the obligation to protect the employee together with the transferring employer.


Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.


https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/is-it-possible-for-the-employer-to-temporarily-assign-the-worker-to-another-employer/feed/ 0
Does the employer has to give notice to the employee before dismissing them? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/does-the-employer-has-to-give-notice-to-the-employee-before-dismissing-them/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/does-the-employer-has-to-give-notice-to-the-employee-before-dismissing-them/#respond Thu, 20 Jun 2019 13:42:27 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=61456 Does the employer has to give notice to the employee before dismissing them?

Employers have to give notice to employees before dismissing them.

The notice period is;

  • 2 weeks for 6 months of employment,
  • 4 weeks for 6 – 18 months of employment,
  • 6 weeks for 18 – 36 months of employment,
  • 8 weeks for more than 36 months of employment.

The Party who does not abide by the regulation has to pay the wage amount that covers the notice period as compensation.



Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.


https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/does-the-employer-has-to-give-notice-to-the-employee-before-dismissing-them/feed/ 0
What happens if the employer rejects to accept the court’s re-employment decision? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-happens-if-the-employer-rejects-to-accept-the-courts-re-employment-decision/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-happens-if-the-employer-rejects-to-accept-the-courts-re-employment-decision/#respond Tue, 18 Jun 2019 14:37:31 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=61169 What happens if the employer rejects to accept the court’s re-employment decision?

If the employer rejects to employ the employee back within 1 month following the court’s re-employment decision, s/he will be subject to pay compensation to the employee in the amount of 4 to 8 month’s wage. The court or the special referee also decides on how much compensation the employer would be subject to pay if s/he rejects to abide by the decision. The employee will be paid 4 months of wage at most and also his/her other rights for the period where s/he was not employed during the decision process.



Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.


https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/what-happens-if-the-employer-rejects-to-accept-the-courts-re-employment-decision/feed/ 0
If an employer does not pay the seaman and the seaman cancels the contract, does he become entitled to severance pay? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/if-an-employer-does-not-pay-the-seaman-and-the-seaman-cancels-the-contract-does-he-become-entitled-to-severance-pay/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/if-an-employer-does-not-pay-the-seaman-and-the-seaman-cancels-the-contract-does-he-become-entitled-to-severance-pay/#respond Wed, 29 May 2019 14:04:22 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=59551 If an employer does not pay the seaman and the seaman cancels the contract, does he become entitled to severance pay?

It is stated in Article 20 and Paragrapgh II of Article 14 of Maritime Law numbered 854 that if an employer does not pay the seaman and the seaman cancels the contract, he becomes entitled to severance pay.



Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/if-an-employer-does-not-pay-the-seaman-and-the-seaman-cancels-the-contract-does-he-become-entitled-to-severance-pay/feed/ 0
Do You Have to Work During Holidays in Turkey? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/do-you-have-to-work-during-holidays-in-turkey/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/do-you-have-to-work-during-holidays-in-turkey/#respond Tue, 09 Apr 2019 14:26:27 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=16790 1- DO YOU HAVE TO WORK DURING NATIONAL AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS?
According to provisions related to working during National and Public Holidays stated in article 44 of the Labor Law numbered 4857;
Whether working during National and Public Holidays or not should be determined in collective agreement or labor agreement.

It is required to get worker’s approval in order to work during national and public holidays if there is no provision about it.

If a worker working for a workplace being within the scope of Labor Law numbered 4857 does not work during national and public holidays;
– His/her fee should be paid in full without working.
– If a worker works without taking leave, his/her one day fee should be paid for each day.
– In workplaces which have percentage method, national and public holiday fees should be paid by employer to workers.


Source: Labor Law No. 4857

Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

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Am I supposed to submit annual income statement for my income from a single employer in Turkey? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/am-i-supposed-to-submit-annual-income-statement-for-my-income-from-a-single-employer-in-turkey/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/am-i-supposed-to-submit-annual-income-statement-for-my-income-from-a-single-employer-in-turkey/#respond Sat, 30 Mar 2019 08:00:01 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=53042 A taxpayer who has business income on real taxation system in 2018 also works in a company as a 4A employee. Is this person also supposed to include their income from wages on the income statement they will submit for their business earnings?

If the income is earned from a single employer, it is not written on the annual income statement notwithstanding the amount.




Source: İSMMMO
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/am-i-supposed-to-submit-annual-income-statement-for-my-income-from-a-single-employer-in-turkey/feed/ 0
Are we required to declare with the same transfer number the SSI statement and termination of employment of an employee who will work in another workplace of the same employer? https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/are-we-required-to-declare-with-the-same-transfer-number-the-ssi-statement-and-termination-of-employment-of-an-employee-who-will-work-in-another-workplace-of-the-same-employer/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/are-we-required-to-declare-with-the-same-transfer-number-the-ssi-statement-and-termination-of-employment-of-an-employee-who-will-work-in-another-workplace-of-the-same-employer/#respond Thu, 17 Jan 2019 14:44:43 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=44428  Is it possible for an employee from Company A to Company B of the same employer with a different tax I.D?

For statement of employment of an insured employee who is being transferred, it should be completed through the ‘’Social insurant who is working at the other branch which is registered by the same or another insurance department /provincial insurance department the same employer through transfer and  before the termination of their service contract’’ option in the Exceptional Case Declaration Table.

‘’16-Transfer’’ option in the employment termination declaration segment must be used when declaring the insured employee’s employment termination through transfer. To make a transfer between different workplaces of the same employer, I.D numbers of the authorized people of the workplaces or Tax I.D’s of legal persons must be the same. If not, or if the information are not up to date, the system will impose a administrative fine on the employer.








Source: İSMMMO
Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended for professional information purposes specific to a person or an institution. Every institution has different requirements because of its own circumstances even though they bear a resemblance to each other. Consequently, it is your interest to consult on an expert before taking a decision based on information stated in this article and putting into practice. Neither MuhasebeNews nor related person or institutions are not responsible for any damages or losses that might occur in consequence of the use of the information in this article by private or formal, real or legal person and institutions.

https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/are-we-required-to-declare-with-the-same-transfer-number-the-ssi-statement-and-termination-of-employment-of-an-employee-who-will-work-in-another-workplace-of-the-same-employer/feed/ 0
7th International Social Security Symposium of The Social Security Institution of Turkey “Migration and Social Security” https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/7th-international-social-security-symposium-of-the-social-security-institution-of-turkey-migration-and-social-security/ https://www.muhasebenews.com/en/7th-international-social-security-symposium-of-the-social-security-institution-of-turkey-migration-and-social-security/#respond Tue, 24 Apr 2018 08:28:17 +0000 https://www.muhasebenews.com/?p=28363 7th International Social Security Symposium of The Social Security Institution of Turkey “Migration and Social Security”

April 25, 2018, Wednesday
09:00 – 09:30 Registration of Participants
09:30 – 10:30 Welcome remarks
10:30 – 12:30 Immigration and Current Trends Throughout the World and in Turkey
People who cross borders for the purpose of work or who escape threats
to their lives may encounter many challenges in destination countries,
largely due to a lack of information on living and working conditions.
Many of them may face discrimination and social exclusion. Being in
employment does not guarantee access to basic rights as found in labour
and social security laws of the host country. Further, week social
harmonization may create many problems for host communities. This
introductory part will give a general introduction on migration trends
and challenges with regard to social security faced by migrants around
the world and in Turkey.

12: 30 -13:30 Lunch
13: 30- 15: 00 Session I: Role of Social Security and Social Protection for Integration
of Migrants
Equality of treatment and non-discrimination, maintenance of acquired
rights, maintenance of rights in the course of acquisition and
transportability of benefits are among basic key social security
principles. The discussion will focus on the role of social security and
social protection for the integration of migrants and the objective will be
to share knowledge and experiences.
15: 00- 15: 15 Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:30 Continuation of Session I and end of the Session

April 26, 2018, Thursday
09:30 -11:00 Session II: Effects of Immigration on the Labour Market and Social
Security System from the Perspective of Host Countries
Migration is a growing phenomenon that has important development
implications for both sending and receiving countries and if well
managed, migrants can greatly contribute to the development of both
sending and receiving countries. However, to achieve this, challenges in
the integration of migrants have to be addressed and overcome.
Challenges may include job competition between migrant and national
workers, migrants’ adaptation to the labour market and fiscal costs
associated with the provision of social services to migrants. This session
will focus on the relationship between migration and the labour market
as well as the provision of social security. Case studies and academic
studies will be discussed.

11:00-11: 15 Coffee Break
11:30 -12:30 Continuation of Session II
12:30 -13:30 Lunch
13:30 -15:00 Session III: Good Practices in Social Security for Migrant Workers
Migrants require special social security arrangements so that the risks
they may face due to their situation are adequately addressed. As
migrants move between labour markets, they may be confronted to
problems due to differences in labour laws and social security systems.
The objective of this session will be to share knowledge on good practices
on social security coverage of migrant workers.
15:00 – 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 – 16:30 Continuation of Session III
16:30 – 17:00 Closing Remarks

Date: 25 – 26 April 2018
Venue: Bilkent Hotel, İhsan Doğramacı Bul. No:6 06800 Bilkent/Ankara
Contact: Şükran KAVLAK : +90 (312) 207 85 40 / skavlak@sgk.gov.tr
Ahmet Serdar YAĞMUR: +90 (312) 207 85 19 / ayagmur2@sgk.gov.tr

7th International Social Security Symposium of The Social Security Institution of Turkey
“Migration and Social Security”

Kaynak: sgk
Yasal Uyarı: Bu yazıdaki bilgiler sadece genel bilgilendirme amacıyla verilmiştir. Kişi veya kuruma özel profesyonel bir bilgilendirme amacı güdülmemiştir. Konu ile benzerlik gösterse de her işletmenin kendi özel şartları nedeniyle farklı durumları olabilir. Bu nedenle, bu yazıda belirtilen bilgilerden yola çıkarak işletmenizi etkileyecek herhangi bir karar alıp uygulamaya geçmeden önce, uzmanına danışmanız menfaatiniz gereğidir. Muhasebenews veya ilişkili olduğu kişi veya kurumlardan hiç biri, bu belgede yer alan bilgilerin özel veya resmi, gerçek veya tüzel kişi, kurum ve organizasyonlar tarafından kullanılması sonucunda ortaya çıkabilecek zarar veya ziyandan sorumlu değildir.

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