Home Turkish Trade Law Can One Use Letters Which Are Not In Turkish Alphabet In Company...

Can One Use Letters Which Are Not In Turkish Alphabet In Company Titles?


According to the communique about business names established in the Official Gazette numbered 28913 and dated 14.02.2014, now it is possible to use letters which are not included in Turkish Alphabet like W, X, Q in the root of the company title.

Before the enactment of New Turkish Commercial Code, the companies with foreign partners could use foreign letters in their company titles. However, companies consisting of Turkish shareholders couldn’t use those letters. This restriction was abrogated with this amendment.

Now, everyone can use letters that are not included in Turkish Alphabet in the root of the company title.

Moreover, on condition that the shareholders of a company were consisting of Turkish citizens, they couldn’t use foreign names corresponding in Turkish according to the previous communique (such as, White Tarım Co. Ltd.). Nevertheless, all of the companies might use foreign words in the company title with this amendment.

The amendments done with the communique and some points about the new implementation are indicated below.

1- Business Names;
One can designate business names without constraint only if the field of operation and the expressions related to the kind of Corporation is Turkish.


  • Blue Sea Denizcilik Ltd. ŞTİ. (Proper)
  • Blue Sea Maritime Ltd. ŞTİ. (NOT proper. The sector name should be Turkish. There should be written ‘’Denizcilik’’ instead of ‘’Maritime’’.

2- It is not allowed to use information that might give false impressions in business names of the company.
The expressions in the business name that might give false impressions about the identity of the trader, the scale, importance and financial condition of an enterprise for the third parties cannot be used and contrary to facts.

3- The expressions in business names cannot be contrary to local legislation, implementation and values.
(3) The expressions in business names cannot be against public order, national interests and morals and tarnish cultural and historical values.

4- Some words used in business names are subject to approval of Council of Ministers.
Words that are “Türk(Turkish)”, “Türkiye(Turkey/Turkiye)”, “Cumhuriyet(Republic)” and “Milli(National)” should be used plain, simple and thorough with the approval of Council of Ministers.

In accordance with articles 41 and 42 of the Turkish Commercial Code, If these words are involved in the name or the surname of the real person that should be used in business name, then it will not be obligatory to get the approval of Council of Ministers.

5- At least one sector should be stated in the company title.
It is obligatory to state at least one sector in the title of corporations and limited companies. There shouldn’t be any abbreviations in the expressions about the field of operation.

6- Pay attention to the incorporation of Holdings…
There should be written “holding” in the title of corporations whose primary objective is incorporating into another enterprises.

7- Place names can be used, but country names are subject to approval.
Officially identified place names can be used in business names; however, it is obligatory to get an approval from the competent authorities of related countries in order to use country names.

8- It is forbidden to use the names of state institutions and organizations.
It is forbidden to use the names of state institutions and organizations, other national and international agencies or abbreviated names defining those institutions in business names. Nevertheless, state institutions and organizations are allowed to use their own names and abbreviations in business names of the companies which they operate or in which they have shares.

9-If the record of a company is cancelled in the Trade Registry, someone else might use that title 5 years later.
The title of a company which is cancelled in the Trade Registry cannot be used by another trader again, because he/she should wait 5 years from the date when the declaration regarding to the disenrollment is published in Turkey Trade Registry Gazette.

10- What is the condition of using a title registered previously?

  • If a business name is registered previously in a registry of commerce in Turkey, it cannot be registered without making a distinctive addendum in order to distinguish it from the previous one.
  • If a business name registered previously has the same addendum and the first expression indicating the field of operation with the newly-established company, it cannot be registered without making distinctive amendments within the scope of article 46 of the Turkish Commercial Code.

Sample-1: If a title called “A İnşaat Otomotiv Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi” is registered previously, the title called “A İnşaat Tekstil Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi” cannot be registered without making a distinctive addendum.

  • If the two companied share the same addendum in their titles, but their first expressions indicating the field of operation are different, that title can be registered without making an addendum.

Sample-2: If a title called “B İnşaat Otomotiv Sanayi Anonim Şirketi” is registered previously, the title called “B Turizm İnşaat Sanayi Anonim Şirketi” can be registered without making an addendum.

  • If the two companies have the same expressions indicating company type in their titles, that title cannot be registered without making a distinctive addendum.

Sample-3: If a title called “C Turizm Limited Şirketi” is registered previously, a title called “C Turizm Anonim Şirketi” cannot be used without making a distinctive addendum.

Source: The Communique about Business Names Established in the Official Gazette Numbered 28913 and Dated 14.02.2014
Date: 26 January 2017

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