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Maximum monthly real profit rate was realized in gold in Türkiye

The Rates of Real Profits Created by Means of Financial Investment in Türkiye, March 2023 Maximum monthly real profit rate was realized in gold (ingot) Gold...

inflation rate in the Netherlands stood at 4.4 percent in March...

Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports in a flash estimate that the CPI-measured inflation rate stood at 4.4 percent in March. The flash estimate was calculated...

German exports increased more than anticipated in February, driven by robust...

According to government data, Germany's exports increased more than anticipated in February as a result of the country's and China's robust demand. According to Destatis,...

Collection of Rental Income in Cash in Türkiye

OBTAINING OF RENTAL INCOME IN TÜRKİYE Obtaining of rental income is bound to collection principle. In order to tax the rental income in accordance with...

Rental Income in Türkiye

Incomes obtained from renting of the property and rights which are stated in the Income Tax Law No.193 is defined as “income from immovable...

Manufacturing in Canada is once again contracting

S&P Global Canada Manufacturing PMI fell from a seven-month peak of 52.4 in February to 48.6 in March 2023. After two straight months of...

Upward trend on the labour market in Germany continues at slightly...

Persons in employment resident in Germany, February 2023 +0.1% on the previous month (seasonally adjusted) +0.1% on the previous month (not seasonally adjusted) +0.9% on the same...

The Canadian economy expanded by 0.5% in January after barely contracting...

Real gross domestic product (GDP) rose 0.5% in January, following a slight contraction (-0.1%) in December. Both goods-producing (+0.4%) and services-producing (+0.6%) industries were up in January, as 17 of 20 industrial sectors...

Total external trade in goods of Montenegro for January-February 2023 increased...

External trade in goods of Montenegro The total external trade in goods of Montenegro for January-February 2023 according to the preliminary results is 629.5 million...

Inflation in Turkey is 50.51% in March

Consumer Price Index in Türkiye, March 2023 Consumer price index (CPI) realized as 50.51% annually and 2.29% monthly A change in general index was realized in...