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Cultural employment in Turkey decreased by 2.6%

Cultural Employment, 2019 in Turkey Cultural employment decreased by 2.6% In 2019, 631 thousand people were included in cultural employment in Turkey with a decrease of...

In Turkey 174 thousand 896 traffic accidents involving death or injury...

Road Traffic Accident Statistics, 2019 in Turkey In Turkey 174 thousand 896 traffic accidents involving death or injury occurred In the road network of Turkey, 1...

Exports and imports decreased by 41.4% and 25.0% respectively in April...

Foreign Trade Statistics, April 2020 in Turkey According to the general trade system exports and imports decreased by 41.4% and 25.0% respectively, in April 2020 According...

The number of road motor vehicle registrations in Turkey decreased by...

Road Motor Vehicles, April 2020 in Turkey In April, 40 thousand 171 road motor vehicle registrations were recorded Regarding the vehicle registrations in April, cars accounted...

GDP increased by 4.5% in the first quarter of 2020 in...

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product, Quarter I: January-March, 2020 in Turkey GDP increased by 4.5% in the first quarter of 2020 First estimation of GDP with chain...

Services producer price index increased by 10.22% annually and 1.33% monthly...

Services Producer Price Index, April 2020 in Turkey  Services producer price index (S-PPI) increased by 10.22% annually and 1.33% monthly S-PPI (2017=100) increased by 1.33% monthly,...

Agricultural Input Price Index in Turkey increased by 7.66% annually and...

Agricultural Input Price Index, March 2020 in Turkey Agricultural Input Price Index (Agricultural-IPI) increased by 7.66% annually and 0.13% monthly  Agriculture-PPI (2015=100) increased by 0.13% compared...

Total vehicle-km was calculated as 306 billion 926 million in Turkey

Vehicle-kilometer Statistics, 2018 in Turkey Total vehicle-km was calculated as 306 billion 926 million In Turkey, road motor vehicles(1) registered to the traffic travelled 306 billion 926...

Imports of hard coal increased by 56.2% compared to the previous...

Solid Fuels, March 2020 in Turkey Marketable production of lignite was 4 million 983 thousand 21 tonnes in March Marketable production of lignite(1) decreased by 1.0% in...

Consumer confidence index in Turkey increased by 8.5% in May 2020

Consumer Confidence Index, May 2020 in Turkey Consumer confidence index realized as 59.5 Seasonally adjusted consumer confidence index calculated from the results of the consumer tendency...