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Home Authors Posts by MuhasebeNews



Trip expenditures of domestic tourists decreased by 19.2% compared to same...

Household Domestic Tourism, Quarter III: July-September, 2020 17 million 299 thousand residents had domestic trips  In the third quarter; which is July, August and September months...

Facebook and LinkedIn to Appoint Legal Representatives in Turkey

​​Facebook announced on Monday that it has decided to assign a legal entity in Turkey to serve as local representative in compliance with the...

Consumer confidence index in Turkey increased by 4.0% in January compared...

Consumer Confidence Index, January 2021 Consumer confidence index realized as 83.3 Seasonally adjusted consumer confidence index calculated from the results of the consumer tendency survey carried...

Agricultural Input Price Index in Turkey increased by 14.40% compared to...

Agricultural Input Price Index, November 2020 Agricultural Input Price Index (Agricultural-IPI) increased by 15.35% annually and 3.23% monthly  Agriculture-PPI (2015=100) increased by 3.23% compared to previous...

The Valuable House Tax period has begun in Turkey

Legal Basis The Valuable House Tax was regulated between the 30th and 37th articles of the Law No. 7194 "Digital Service Tax and Amending Some...

Net Profit of Turkey’s Banking Sector Increases in November

​The Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) has unfolded January-November 2020 period figures of the banking sector. Accordingly, the total assets of Turkish banks rose...

Consumer price index in Turkey increased by 14.60% annually

Consumer Price Index, December 2020 Consumer price index (CPI) increased by 14.60% annually and 1.25% monthly A rise in general index was realized in CPI (2003=100)...

Domestic producer price index in Turkey increased by 25.15% on annual...

Domestic Producer Price Index, December 2020 Domestic producer price index (D-PPI) increased by 25.15% on annual basis, increased by 2.36% on monthly basis D-PPI (2003=100) increased...

Turkey Launches First Lithium Production Plant

Turkey launched its first lithium production plant, the Eti Maden Lithium Carbonate Production Plant, in Eskişehir, which is expected to contribute to the country's...

Economic confidence index in Turkey decreased by 3.5% in December to...

Economic Confidence Index, December 2020 Economic confidence index realized as 86.4 Economic confidence index which was 89.5 in November decreased by 3.5% in December to 86.4....