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Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products in Turkey increased by 21.26%...

Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products, January 2021 Producer Price Index of Agricultural Products (Agriculture-PPI) increased by 21.26% annually and 3.03% monthly Agriculture-PPI (2015=100) on the...

Who can receive healthcare services abroad according to the social security...

Foreign Healthcare Transactions 23 of all the social security agreements signed by our country are still in force and the agreements with following countries include...

Turkish Startups Break Fundraising Record in 2020

Startups Watch, a Turkey-based platform offering analytics of Turkey’s startup ecosystem, unveiled its “Turkish Startup Ecosystem 2020 Year in Review” report on January 29. The...

Turkey Moves Ahead of Curve with Positive Growth in 2020

​​Turkey is among the few countries estimated to have posted positive overall growth in 2020, and is expected to record a GDP growth in...

Foreign Pension Transactions in Turkey

What are the conditions for being entitled to invalidity, old age and survivor’s pensions based on the credited periods completed abroad? Conditions for being entitled...

The upper transaction limit of the FAST System in Turkey is...

Press Release on Upper Transaction Limit of FAST System The number of users registered in the Easy Addressing System, which allows initiation of payments easily...

The Central Bank of Turkey expects inflation to be 9.46 at...

Source: The Central Bank of Republic of Turkey / Inflation Report Legal Notice: The information in this article is intended for information purposes only. It...

I Want To Make Crediting For My Foreign Services

According to the social security laws in our country, people who have foreign employment whether in a contracted or non-contracted country have the opportunity...

Consumer price index in Turkey increased by 14.97% annually

Consumer Price Index, January 2021 Consumer price index (CPI) increased by 14.97% annually and 1.68% monthly A rise in general index was realized in CPI (2003=100)...

Domestic producer price index in Turkey increased by 26.16% on annual...

Domestic Producer Price Index, January 2021 Domestic producer price index (D-PPI) increased by 26.16% on annual basis, increased by 2.66% on monthly basis D-PPI (2003=100) increased...