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Labour Force Statistics, October 2021

Labour Force Statistics, October 2021 In the Household Labour Force Survey as of January 2021, simultaneously with the European Union (EU) countries; new regulations have...

Construction Cost Index, October 2021

Construction Cost Index, October 2021 Construction cost index increased by 41.93% annually and by 4.75% monthly In October 2021, construction cost index (CCI) increased by 4.75%...

Foreign Trade Indices, October 2021

Foreign Trade Indices, October 2021 The overall export unit value index increased by 12.0% As compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year, the overall...

Education Expenditure Statistics, 2020

Education Expenditure Statistics, 2020 Total education expenditure was 270 billion 921 million TRY, increased by 4.5% In 2020, a total expenditure of 270 billion 921 million...

Poultry Production, October 2021

Poultry Production, October 2021 Chicken meat production was 196 thousand 590 tonnes, hen egg production was 1.7 billion units Number of the slaughtered chicken increased by...

Gross Domestic Product by Provinces, 2020

Gross Domestic Product by Provinces, 2020 İstanbul had the highest share of Gross Domestic Product with 30.1% in 2020 According to the estimation of Gross Domestic...

Milk and Milk Products, October 2021

Milk and Milk Products, October 2021 Milk collected by integrated dairies was 803 thousand 315 tonnes The amount of collected cow's milk in October increased by...

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey established the “Digital...

Press Release on Central Bank Digital Turkish Lira R&D Project The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey has signed bilateral memorandums of understanding with...

Turkey’s private sector’s total outstanding loans received from abroad decreasing by...

Developments in Private Sector's Outstanding Loans Received From Abroad - July 2021 Private sector’s total outstanding loans received from abroad recorded USD 173.3 billion...

Cooperation From Turkish Exporters Assembly and Turkish Airlines To Break New...

TİM CHAIRMAN GÜLLE: THE SHARE OF THE AIRLINE INCREASES IN EXPORT The scope of the cooperation agreement of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) with Turkish...