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Home Authors Posts by MuhasebeNews



Solid Fuels, August 2022

Marketable production of lignite was 6 million 417 thousand 863 tonnes in August Marketable production of lignite(1) increased by 0.8% in August compared to the previous...

Crop Production 2nd Estimation, 2022

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is responsible for the collection, processing and preparation for the publication, and Turkish Statistical Institute is responsible for...

Foreign Trade Statistics, September 2022

According to the general trade system exports and imports increased by 9.2%, 38.1% respectively in September 2022 According to the provisional data, produced with the...

Tourism Statistics, Quarter III: July – September, 2022

Tourism income revised and publishedIn order to improve tourism statistics, studies on the main revision were carried out in cooperation with the Turkish Statistical...

Economic Confidence Index, October 2022

Economic confidence index realized as 97.1 Economic confidence index which was 94.3 in September increased by 3.0% in October to 97.1. Consumer confidence index increased by...

Environmental Protection Expenditure Statistics, 2021

Environmental protection expenditure was 66.3 billion TL Total environmental protection expenditure amounted to 66.3 billion TL by an increase of 59.2% compared to the previous...

Services, Retail Trade and Construction Confidence Indices, October 2022

Confidence index increased in services, retail trade and construction sectors   Seasonally adjusted confidence index increased by 0.9% in services, 3.0% in retail trade and...

Household Domestic Tourism, Quarter II: April – June, 2022

9 million 846 thousand residents had domestic trips  In the second quarter; which is April, May and June months of 2022, 9 million 846 thousand...

Consumer Confidence Index, October 2022

Consumer confidence index realized as 76.2 Seasonally adjusted consumer confidence index calculated from the results of the consumer tendency survey carried out in cooperation with...

Agricultural Input Price Index, August 2022

Agricultural input price index (Agricultural-IPI) increased by 135.06% annually and 1.64% monthly  Agriculture-IPI (2015=100) increased by 1.64% compared to previous month, increased by 86.45% compared...