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Consumer Confidence Index in Türkiye increased by 4.6% in January compared...

January 24, 2023 Consumer Confidence Index in Türkiye, January 2023 Consumer confidence index realized as 79.1 Consumer confidence index calculated from the results of the consumer tendency...

Europeans have become poorer by an average of 3,000 euros per...

January 10, 2023 According to a recent analysis, European citizens may have lost out on over €3,000 annually as a result of the austerity measures...

Unemployment rate in Czech Republic reached 2.7% in November 2022; increased...

January 9, 2023 The employment rate in Czech Republic The proportion of employed persons in the number of all persons aged 15–64 years reached 75.1% in November 2022....

Number of Domestic Goods Certificates Approved in Türkiye increased by 35.1%...

January 9, 2023 According to the Domestic Goods Communiqué (SGM 2014/35) prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Technology in accordance with Article 63 of...

In December, U.S. private sector job growth far above predictions; increased...

January 9, 2023 Private sector employment in the U.S. increased by 235,000 jobs in December and annual pay was up 7.3 percent year-over-year, according to...

In 2022, exports from Türkiye reached a record $254 billion

January 9 ,2023 The data on Türkiye's exports in 2022 is announced at the meeting held in İstanbul with the participation of President Recep Tayyip...

Labour Force Statistics, September 2022

Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate realized as 10.1% According to Household Labour Force Survey; the number of unemployed persons aged 15 years old and over increased...

The Rates of Real Profits Created by Means of Financial Investment,...

Maximum monthly real profit rate was realized in stock exchange Stock exchange yielded the highest monthly real profit with the rates of 4.26% and 8.58%...

Domestic Producer Price Index, October 2022

Domestic Producer Price Index (D-PPI) increased by 157.69% on annual basis, by 7.83% on monthly basis D-PPI (2003=100) increased by 7.83% on monthly basis, by...

Services Producer Price Index, September 2022

Services Producer Price Index (S-PPI) increased by 107.01% annually, by 2.55% monthly S-PPI (2017=100) increased by 2.55% on monthly basis, by 72.26% on December of...