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Home Authors Posts by MuhasebeNews



Production in construction down by 2.5% in the euro area and...

In December 2022 compared with November 2022, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector decreased by 2.5% in the euro area and by 2.0%...

Customer confidence in Denmark increases to -25.1

According to statistics released by Statistics Denmark, consumer confidence in Denmark increased further in February, hitting its highest level in six months, despite still...

Poland’s producer prices are at a nearly one-year low

Polish producer prices rose by 18.5 percent annually in January 2023, slowing from the previously reported 20.5 percent increase and in accordance with market...

Consumer confidence index in Türkiye realized as 82.5

Consumer Confidence Index in Türkiye, February 2023 Since a considerable portion of the consumer tendency survey data was compiled before February 6, 2023, the results...

Labor force participation rate in South Korea stood at 62.6% in...

 < Economically active population and labor force participation rate in South Korea>    ◯ The economically active population marked 28.387 million persons in January, which...

Industrial production in Estonia fell in 2022 due to weaker performance...

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2022, the total production of industrial enterprises fell by 1.9% at constant prices compared with the year before. Of...

Unemployment rate in Türkiye realized as 10.2%; 0.2 percentage point increase

Labour Force Statistics in Türkiye, Quarter IV: October-December, 2022 Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate realized as 10.2% According to Household Labour Force Survey; seasonally adjusted unemployed persons...

People at risk of poverty in the EU: 38% of income...

Housing costs may represent a potential overburden, especially for people at-risk-of poverty (those living below the poverty threshold set at 60% of the national median equivalised...

Japan’s industrial output increased by 0.3%

According to official data from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Japan's industrial production increased for the second consecutive month in December after...

Unemployment Rate in the Netherlands Increases To 3.6%

According to figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the Netherlands' unemployment rate climbed marginally in January after reaching a six-month low in December. The...