Home SSI 2018 Minimum wage announced

2018 Minimum wage announced


1- What is the minimum wage in 2018?
Minimum wage of 2018 was clarified by Ministry of Labor and Social Security in 29th December of 2018, On Friday.

Minimum Wage to be implemented in 2018
Gross Salary     : 2.029,50 Turkish Lira
Base Salary       : 1.603,12 Turkish Lira (152, 21 Turkish Lira Subsistence Allowance Included)

2- Will Minimum Wage in 2018 rise in July?
Minimum wage will be implemented all through the year.
Minimum wage won’t be changed in 2018, July, different than in 2015 and prior to that year.

3- What were the minimum wages of 2016 and 2017?
3.2- Gross salary in 2017 was implemented as 1.777,50 Turkish Lira.
Gross Salary    : 1.777,50 Turkish Lira
Base Salary     : 1.404,06 Turkish Lira (133, 31 Turkish Lira Subsistence Allowance included.) 

3.1- Gross Salary in 2016 was implemented as 1.637, 50 Turkish Lira.
Gross Salary     : 1.637,50 Turkish Lira
Base Salary      : 1.300,99 Turkish Lira (123, 53 Turkish Lira Subsistence Allowance included)

4- How much minimum wage increased in 2018?
Minimum wage in 2017 with the base salary of 1.404,06 Turkish Lira increased to 1.603,12 Turkish Lira with the %15,27 percent rise. Minimum wage rise became 199, 06 Turkish Lira.

5- What was the employer’s cost of minimum wage in 2018?
 In 2018, salary deduction of the employer and the worker was total 781, 54 Turkish Lira. (With the five point of social insurance institution deduction

(In 2017, salary deduction of the employer and the worker was total 684, 50 Turkish Lira)

Meaning, 781, 54 Turkish Lira of Social Insurance Institution and tax will be paid with minimum salary of 1.603,12 Turkish Lira. Minimum wage payment and the other costs will be amount to 2.384,66 Turkish Lira.

 *** MINIMUM SALARY with its cost is 2.384,66 Turkish Lira
Regarding that wage agreements in Turkey is mostly based on the base salary, minimum wage payment, Social Security Institution and tax amount will be 2.384,66 Turkish Lira which can be considered the total cost of the employer.

Regarding that the employer will benefit from five point of Social Insurance Institution Premium, Cost detail will be like on the below list.
5.2- Minimum Wage Cost Allocation in 2018 is indicated in the below list.  

2018-Wage Deduction =  426,38 Turkish Lira
Social Security Institution        : 284,13 Turkish Lira
Unemployment Insurance        : 20,30 Turkish Lira
İncome Tax                             : 106,55 Turkish Lira
Stamp Tax                               : 15,40 Turkish Lira
2018-Employer’s Cost  =  355,16 Turkish Lira
Social Security Institution         : 314,57 Turkish Lira
Unemployment Insurance          : 40,59 Turkish Lira
2018-TOTAL COST = 781, 54 Turkish Lira

5.3- What was the cost of minimum wage in 2017?
2017-Wage Deduction  =  373,44 Turkish Lira
Social Security Institution :   248,85 Turkish Lira
Unemployment Insurance :    17,78 Turkish Lira
Income Tax                     :       93,32 Turkish Lira
Stamp Tax                      :       13,49 Turkish Lira
7-Employer’s Cost                 =  311,06 Turkish Lira
Social Security Insurance             :   275,51 Turkish Lira
Unemployment Insurance             :     35,55 Turkish Lira
2017-TOTAL COST                     =  684,50 Turkish Lira

6-  If the employer is in debt to the  Social Security Institution and he/ she did not make an installment plan, the cost would be 882,79 Turkish Lira.
If the employer has an overdue debt to the Social Security Institution  and he/she did not make an installment plan, the cost would be  883,02 Turkish Lira.

7-How much is the minimum wage in the Countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development?
Presented in the table below, annual minimum wages of some countries, members of the organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, are given detail.


According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development figures, Turkey is on the 17th line of the list.

Critical Note:  Above mentioned minimum wage salary of 2018 is calculated in accordance with the explanations of Ministry of Labor and Social Security. If Ministry of Labor and Social Security has an official announcement, calculations table will be updated. Calculations were edited only for general information. Responsibility cannot be accepted on the occasion of the usage of table and calculations by the followers.

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