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10 Tips For Living A Fuller Life


On journal.thriveglobal.com, Author Ryan Holiday writes about how to live without regrets in his article “40 Ways To Live A Full Life (And Leave Nothing On The Table) By Age 30”. Some of his advice:

1.Stay Away From Toxic People
He says “Regular friend purges are a must. So are influence purges (the sources of information you follow). You become who you know. You conform to your surroundings. Make sure those two facts are taking you in a direction you want to go.”

2.Say No
“You have to know when you can say no.”

3.Don’t Compare Yourself To Others
“Caesar famously wept at the feet of a statue of Alexander the Great. ‘Do you not think it is matter for sorrow that while Alexander, at my age, was already king of so many peoples, I have as yet achieved no brilliant success?’ Who cares whether so-and-so did this or that earlier than you?”

4.Choose The Work You Can Learn From
Ryan Holiday says:This is how I have evaluated my career and job opportunities (and book projects too). There are lots of ways to make money, fewer real opportunities to learn.”

5.Don’t Worry About Being Ridiculous
Holiday says that the best experiences can come out of the ridiculous decisions, like getting a dog or a goat on a whim (and taking care of them for the rest of their lives).

6.Be responsible but take risks when necessary
Work. Save money. Have life insurance. Don’t buy things you can’t afford. Build a support network. Eliminate tiny risks so you can take the right one.

Holiday says that while travelling it’s important to have a purpose. He asks, “What did you really learn there, that you couldn’t have gotten from some other source? What did you do?”

8.Don’t Waste Time With Anger
“How much precious energy is spilled fighting online, shouting in other people’s faces.” He reminds that other people’s feelings aren’t your problem, and vice versa.

9.Do What You Want
“Make sure you’re not conforming to needless constraints about how to dress, how to live, what’s important, how things must be done. The more value you deliver in life, the most freedom and power you have.”

10.Know Your Why
“You have to know why you do what you do — what you prize and what’s important to you.”

You can read the rest of the article at journal.thriveglobal.com

Source: https://journal.thriveglobal.com/40-ways-to-live-a-full-life-and-leave-nothing-on-the-table-by-age-30-22610c5eeb46

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