Life expectancy at birth was 78.3 years in Turkey
In Turkey, life expectancy at birth was 78.3 years for the total population, 75.6 years for males and 81 years for females. In general, females live longer than males and the difference in life expectancy at birth was 5.4 years.
Life expectancy at age 15 was 64.4 years
For 15-year-olds -persons at the minimum age to start working- the average remaining life expectancy was 64.4 years for total, 61.7 years for males and 67.1 years for females.
Life expectancy at age 30 was 49.8 years
In Turkey, the average remaining life expectancy was 49.8 years for a person at age 30. This life-span was 47.3 years for males while it was 52.3 years for females. The difference between life expectancy of males and females at this age was 5 years.
Life expectancy at age 50 was 30.7 years
In Turkey, the average remaining life expectancy was 30.7 years for a person at age 50. This life-span was 28.4 years for males while it was 32.9 years for females.
Life expectancy at age 65 was 17.9 years
In Turkey, for 65-year-olds, the average remaining life-span was 17.9 years for total, 16.2 years for males and 19.4 years for females. In other words, for 65-year-olds, females are expected to live 3.2 years more than males on average.
Life expectancy by sex and age, 2016-2018
Healthy life years at birth was 58.3 years
The indicator of “healthy life years”, defined as the number of years of life at a certain age without health problems limiting their activities of daily living, was calculated for age zero as 58.3 years for the total population, 59.9 years for males and 56.8 years for females in Turkey. Accordingly, it was found that the healthy life years at birth of males were 3.1 years longer than those of females.
Healthy life years at birth, 2014-2018
The next release on this subject will be on September, 2020.
Life tables explain the probabilities of mortality and duration of survival at any age of the population in detail. Life tables are also known as mortality tables.
The information included in this press release was calculated by using annual population and mortality data for 2016-2018 period. Detailed explanations and information on this subject are available on the metadata of the study.
The “healthy life years” information for Turkey is published for the first time with the Life Tables, 2016-2018 press release. It was calculated by using the data obtained from the question “Has there been a limitation in your daily activities for the last 6 months, due to at least one health problem?” based on the perception of the respondent of income and living conditions survey conducted by Turkish Statistical Institute and life table results.